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Latest Web App Development blog articles

Modern Web Application Architecture: Best Practices

What web app architecture should you choose for your app? This article explores the modern web app architecture types, their use cases, and best practices.
Web App Development

How to Build Single Page Application and Succeed in 2024

What is a single-page application? This type of app fits all website content within one page. Single-page apps offer a smooth user experience and reduce loading time. But how are they developed? The answer is in this article.
Web App Development

Web Application Development Costs in 2024: Discovering the True Estimations

What impacts on web app development cost? In our guide you can find out how much it might cost you to build a web app & what factors affect it.
Web App Development

Top Web Design Trends to Follow in 2023

Explore the Future of Web Design with the Latest Trends of 2023
Web App Development

7 Web Development Trends & Technologies to Follow in 2023

Use our guide to the top web development trends and web app technologies in 2023 to make your business a success!
Web App Development

What Is a Cloud-Based ERP System and How Does It Work?

Businesses run hundreds of operations daily, and they strive for a tool that can help them manage their routine tasks effortlessly. Cloud-based ERP systems are an example of such a tool. Find out what cloud ERP software is and how you can build one to help businesse streamline their operations.
Web App Development

What Is a Web-based Application? Examples, Benefits and Trends to Consider

We use web-based applications every day. A web-based app is a great channel to deal with numerous business tasks. But is it a one-fits-all-solution you should choose for your business? And how web apps differ from mobile apps? Let's find out.
Web App Development

Progressive Web Apps - The New Word In User Engagement

Asking yourself, what alternatives does the expensive native mobile development have? Doubts aside, try the progressive web apps. They are a combination of fast and cheap web development with traditional app-like features. Find out more!
Web App Development

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