Product Development Services

Take your idea to users’ screens. Delegate software creation to a dependable product development services partner and dedicate your resources to business-related activities.
Product Development Services

Product development services for your business

A product development team is composed of experienced specialists exclusively working on your project. From the discovery phase to the app’s launch and continuous updates, a complete engineering team is engaged in your project, devoting time and effort to brainstorming, developing documentation, prototyping, creating the app, and making improvements. This model of cooperation allows you to get a complete software solution without being deeply involved in the development process.
You will take part in critical discussions and approve delivered pieces of functionality, but you don’t need to search for developers, hire a team, manage the development process, or invest your attention and energy in engineering operations. Simply describe your idea to us and we will take care of the rest, including determining your team’s size, composition, product development stages, and timeline.
Product development for startups
Product development services can help a fast-growing startup launch a striking MVP and reach out to investors as fast as possible.
Product development for SMBs
Our team can test your hypothesis and come up with the best ideas to take your existing business processes to the next level.

When should you choose product development services?

You’ve never built a software product

If you’ve run an offline business for many years and now wish to break into the digital world, you need to be aware of the main trends, industry rules, and software development process. With a reliable product development team, you can delegate all the unfamiliar tasks to specialists and focus on what matters for your business growth.

Clockwise Software has completed more than 150 software projects and knows how to help your business move forward.

You’re not sure where to start with your product development

Starting immediately with design and coding may be not the best idea. There are multiple risks and pitfalls that hide in the depth of the development process, ready to damage your product at any moment. Thus, product development starts with discovery and research stages that allow mitigating the most dangerous risks and identifying ways to improve your idea.

Our team prioritizes the project discovery stage. At the very beginning of our cooperation, we start discovery to ensure your idea has chances to succeed, to find ways to improve it, to come up with ideas on how to accelerate MVP development and optimize your budget.

You need reliable development time and cost estimates

How much your product may cost you? How much time do you need to turn it from an idea to an application? How much time does it take to design an app, develop an MVP, and deploy it to app markets? Searching for the answers on your own may be exhausting and time-consuming.

We can provide you with rough time and cost estimates right after our first conversation. As we will study your goals, market situation, and possible risks, we’ll provide you with definite estimates and answer any of your questions related to time to market and development budget.

You understand the challenge of hiring an in-house engineering team

Hiring an IT specialist in the US may turn into a months-long headache. The competition in the job market is intense, and companies are ready to fight for the best talents. While FAANG and powerful startups can offer the highest salaries possible, it may be challenging to compete with them if you run a mid-size company, or if you are in the pre-seed round of investments.

Working with us, you can choose from more than 50 skilled software engineers. On average, developers from our team have over 3 years of experience and a solid background in JavaScript and related technologies.

You want to build a long-term partnership with a development agency

A long-term partnership is a trend, a necessity, a way to ensure stable growth, and reliable support for your product. If you want to build relations with a dependable partner, and you know you will need developers’ support on each stage of your product lifecycle, focus on product development services.

At Clockwise Software, we prioritize long-term partnership. More than 50% of clients have stayed with us for over three years. We take your product from initiation stage to launch, to upgrade, to product extension over months and years.

You want to delegate management and participate in strategic discussions only

For a successful entrepreneur every minute matters. Team management, project communication, and continuous meetings may take too much of your time; the time you could have invested in making important decisions, PR, marketing, and communication with clients and investors.

Product development services we offer allow hiring an entire team at once. It means that an engineering team also has a dedicated project manager who can handle tasks related to communication, workflow, progress control etc. If a situation changes and you want to be more involved in the development process, we can modify the product development cooperation model to the staff augmentation cooperation model.

Services included in product development
Project discovery
After the introduction call, we study your idea and initiate the project discovery phase. During this phase, our team analyzes similar products, identifies risks and comes up with ideas to mitigate them, creates a proof of concept, and makes sure your idea has chances to thrive. At the end of this phase, you get all documentation needed to start the development process.
Software products we can build for you
AI Custom Solutions
SaaS applications
Online marketplaces
Data visualization dashboards
Location-based apps
Property management platforms
Content sharing platforms
Inventory/order management systems
On-demand services platforms

Your product development team

Your team’s size and composition depend on what you need to build and your desired time to market. If you want to build an MVP, there will be 4 specialists in your team: а project manager, frontend and backend engineers, and a QA engineer.
If you want to proceed with further app development and improvement, your team will grow to 6 or more specialists. Depending on your unique needs, we'll provide you with a perfectly sized and composed development team.
Project manager
Software engineers
Business аnalyst
QA engineer
Why Clockwise Software?
Years in the software development market
Successfully completed projects
On Clutch
Job success on Upwork
Of our partners and clients work with us for over three years


How to start working with the Clockwise Software product development team
Send an inquiry
Tell us about your idea, expectations, and requirements.
Discuss requirements
We’ll schedule one or more calls to discuss and clarify the details.
Meet your team members
Get acquainted with the specialists that will be dedicated to your project.
Kick off the project
Your team starts working on your project.
What’s next?
2+ weeks
Discovery phase
The discovery stage is about looking before you leap. During this stage, we will carefully investigate your situation to make sure the solution you’re going to build is technically feasible and will meet the market needs.
6+ months
MVP development
When building an MVP we shortlist the features and implement only core functionality to minimize time to market and get the product into the users' hands as soon as possible.
3-5 days
App deployment
Depending on the app stores’ policies, it may take up to a week to make your app or its latest updates available to users. After deployment, we keep working on product improvement and growth.

Case studies

Check out projects we’ve involved as software product development company.
Location-based chatting app for Geocaching company
Route planning solution for a technology company
Discovery and development of geolocation-based software
Real estate management analytics platform
B2B SaaS platform for backing up data


Heiko Roth
Co-Founder, COO at Agilea Solutions
Nevada, USA
We’ve found a great team with good expertise and value. Clockwise Software has been able to plan a great project with a limited budget. They’ve adhered to that plan, making us trust their work in every sprint that we start with them. The team has been able to deliver and be cheerful and friendly despite being in the middle of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine — it’s been genuinely inspiring.
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Let’s talk and convert your idea to a viable app

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